
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Embracing Who You Are

Embracing Who You Are

Have you ever watched that show Mike and Molly? I love that show! On TV they never show "fat" people and their lifestyles, this is not what "sells". They finally went against the grain and created a show about two overweight people living their lives...and guess what? It sells! Why you ask?? It's not glamorous...its not sexy. The reason why is because 60% of Americans are overweight, it may be 10 pounds or 100 pounds. There is a small group that can not watch that show and remember a time in their life when they weren't going through the same issues with weight and food.

The thing I love most about this show is the fact that they don't make these people hide in shame, they are bringing the issues to the front, embracing who they are and giving all of us permission to do the same. Tell me, do you think you are the only person who has eaten a candy bar and put the wrapper under the seat of your car?  Are you the only one that has gone on a diet and been so deprived you ran directly from the gym to the ice cream section of the grocery store. How about the only one that has taken their scales and thrown them in the trash? ( I have thrown three sets in my POOL!!) I am here to tell you that you are not alone, and never feel that you have to hide who you really are.

That brings me to who we really are. By now you know quite a bit about me and who I am, would you say that I am a binge eater who lacks self control when it comes to food, a person who buries her problems under a steep pile of cookies? I once was that person, but not anymore. I believe that you must really be honest with yourself about who you really are and how you live your life, and then and only then you can make the hard changes that will bring you to a new juncture where you will be able to make life changing decisions.

This is a hard pill to swallow, learning who you really are, but you can do it. The most important thing to remember is just because you are in one place today does not mean that is where you will be tomorrow. We all have the ability to accept ourselves lovingly, NO MATTER who we are, and from that point is where the change will blossom. For example: Every time I talk about my former habits and things I was ashamed of it releases a little more power for me to harness and put to good use on this journey. By admitting and talking about the things I always tried to hide I am releasing pent up guilt and shamefulness that no longer serves me any purpose, because I am no longer that person. The new Nikki I would say is a strong, centered, aware person who loves and respects her mind body and spirit. She got to this place by starting the journey on a platform of opening her eyes and accepting ever part of who she was and realizing who she wanted to be...and I know you can do the same thing to:) xoxoxoxoxo to you all!!!

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