
Sunday, March 25, 2012


Fear can be both debilitating and liberating it all depends on how we choose to react to the feeling. Throughout our lives we will be faced with times when we allow our fears to keep us stuck in one place doomed to keep repeating our destructive patterns. But what if we took a leap of faith and just trusted blindly and chose to move past the fear? Would we crumble? Would we fail?

I believe that we are worse off if we don't even try. I have faced many of my fears in life and each time when I have stared the fear directly in the face and believed in myself I can watch the big bully crumble. Every time I leave the situation with more confidence and pride, I love the feeling at the end when you can look back and see how far you came. Pushing past it brings you to places that you never imagined possible leaving you with a sense of wonder  you never thought you would feel.

You probably think I am talking about conquering your fear of heights, or fear of water, or fear of snakes...yes I am but I am also talking about other fears that lie prevalent in our ever day lives. The fear of going to the gym because you are ashamed of what you body looks like, the fear of saying "hi" to the cute neighbor because he/she is so damn gorgeous, the fear of speaking publicly because you are afraid you may stutter, the fear of eating a chocolate bar in public because you think people are saying " you think you need that lady". 

I will tell you once you cast the fear aside whether you are victorious or not you will feel an immediate sense of freedom that is infectious and leaves you wanting more.

I released one of my fears this week, it was a sort of confession if you will. I have always hidden my binge eating, never really wanted to admit that I used food to sooth my feelings of fear, anxiety, stress and anger. I actually shared a story with someone this week and after I told the whole true story about me eating 4...yes 4 boxes of girls scout cookies and hiding the boxes under the seat of my car so no one would see how out of control I was, I felt free! With every word that flowed out of my mouth it was like someone was physically taking bricks from my shoulders! At the end of the story I felt like I had released a piece of my life and moved past it now that it was out no longer festered inside of me and I no longer felt ashamed, I also didn't even care what the person was thinking!

I challenge you, next time you feel the feeling of fear closing in, remember it is only a feeling and it only has control over you if you allow it to, you are the only one who can feel it and also the only one who can release it. Acknowledge it...release it...and be free...and only then will you live a life without limitations!

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