
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Your Obstacles

Your Obstacles

When trying to get healthy it seems we all conveniently find a long list of excuses of why we can't stick with it or even start for that matter!

If someone told me in September that by February I would be where I am today I would have laughed straight in their face. In Sept, I was 300 pounds barely walking a mile, as a matter of fact I would have to talk myself through that mile to keep going because my feet and legs hurt so bad it brought me to tears! But now 6 months later I am running 2 miles a day..yes Running! I have shed almost 50 pounds to boot!

The real secret is I never looked to far ahead, I always take things as they come up and focus on one day at a time and one task at a time. If not then it all becomes overwhelming and feels impossible because you don't even know where to start!  Which brings me to you...what are your obstacles or should I say excuses. We all have them and we will never move forward until we first reveal the obstacles and then put forth a plan of action to remove them or work with and around them.

I challenge you today, on this snowy Saturday sit down and listen to yourself, pinpoint the things you use as excuses and find a way around them to move forward. If I can accomplish so much in a short time so can you, what are you waiting for? Your life is calling you...answer it!!!

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