
Tuesday, March 13, 2012



I have always been kind of an all or nothing type of person...I am either going to give something 100% or I am not going to even try at all. I guess you can say I thrive on commitment and when that commitment comes to an end then I move on to something I can put all that same energy into.

You may be thinking...well that is a great quality, right? Sometimes not so much...I tend to become a little obsessed with what I am focusing on. 6 months ago I was obsessed with avoiding my problems and could not focus on anything but the bottom of the Oreo Cookie bag. Now, I have become obsessed with the feelings I feel when I am jogging on the treadmill. (pretty good trade off I think ;)

It is hard to explain these feelings, I feel invincible, like there is nothing that I can't accomplish! It is the best high in the world! You are jogging along and hit that wall, your feet and legs feel like they are carrying a ton of bricks...and just when you are ready to give up,  your mind takes over. It speaks to every fiber of your body, it feeds it with some unexplainable will to push forward and you can accomplish things that you never thought was possible.

So as you can imagine I am OBSESSED  with that feeling that jogging gives me! The only problem is I am still very heavy which is causing knee pain. I have been jogging every day and have been forced to take a day off here and there due to the increasing pain in my knees. When I take a day off I am finding that I am impossible to live with! It's like having the worst PMS day EVER!!

I really want my family to continue to speak to me so I have made a decision. I obviously am not going to give up on my journey, I just have to find a way around this problem. I have seen so many people give up because they have had limitations with their body. What we really need to do is adapt by adopting new creative ways to over come our physical obstacles. Whether that means using an elliptical instead of a treadmill or doing floor exercises instead of standing ones. It does not matter what the limitations are we can work around them.

I am addicted to the feeling that jogging gives me so I thought long and hard about what other activity gives me that feeling...teaching fitness classes. I used to teach interval/strength training classes a few years ago. It was something that I LOVED to do, the energy that fills the room is infectious! I also have a certain type of following with my classes, I attract a group of women who are not normally accustom to working out in public. I try to create a comfortable environment that is open to all fitness levels and I try to make accommodations for those who need them so it is very laid back but intense at the same time...if that makes sense!

Keep in mind I am still a 250 pound woman...a woman who is going to get up in front of a room full of people and show them how to exercise! That is the first thing that ran through my head...and just as quick as it came in... I let it go. I realize how hard it is to exercise in front of others when you are over weight, how self conscious you feel and then I remembered the more comfortable I am with my body the more comfortable my class attendees will be:)  So if you are hitting some road blocks with your fitness training, remember there is something out there for you, just don't be afraid to try new things.


  1. I think this is a fantastic idea nikki. You inspire people. It does take guts to get in front of people, but if you are confident that will in turn make them confident. I am honored to be your friend!!
