
Monday, February 27, 2012

Jump Start your Metabolism

Jump Start your Metabolism

There are thousands of diets on the market, Adkins, Weight Watchers, South Beach and many more. They all have one thing in common after a long period of dieting, no matter which diet it is your metabolism becomes compromised and your weight loss will begin to slow.  Have you ever heard people say that they eat tiny amounts but still gain weight or that they can not lose weight without starving themselves by eating like a bird?

Your body determines how much it can eat and maintain it's current body weight by how fast your metabolism is. Have you ever known someone that was as skinny as a rail and could out eat you by double? It's sickening isn't it? Well I have good news for you, having a slow metabolism is not something you have to live with, you can change all that by doing one thing...eating! Yes, you heard me by eating!

It all works like this...If you eat 1200 calories a day and burn 1200 calories then your weight will stay the same. So in order to lose weight you must do one of two things, decrease the amount of calories you take in or simply increase your calorie burn(exercise more). Something really important to remember is when you decrease your calorie intake by dieting your body automatically releases starvation hormones which have a negative impact on your metabolism. It basically is telling your body this, "You are feeding me less, so now you can eat less or you will gain weight" This is why people who are chronic yo yo dieters destroy their metabolism and find it difficult to eat anything without gaining weight. You following me? Email me if I have lost you and you have any questions....

The fix!!!
Yes I know that you are excited about learning how you can fix this terrible situation that all us dieters have found ourselves in. Eating is the most effective way to teach your body to raise your calorie intake without gaining weight. When you up your calorie intake and up your exercise to match you will effectively raise your metabolism so that you will be able to safely diet again without starving yourself.

Example: Over the last 6 weeks I have kept a strict eye on my calorie intake, when I began (6 weeks ago) I had dieted my way down to 1000 calories a day, I could not eat any more than that or I was working in reverse...gaining weight! All the dieting had sunk my metabolism to an all new low. So I began to eat, 1200 calories a day, now normally I would start to gain weight but I didn't because I added extra activity that kept me maintaining the same weight. the next week I ate 1400 calories and did the same with the exercise, I did this all the way up to 2400 calories. Yes, it is a lot of working out and eating, but let me tell you it is worth it! Starting this week I will be back in the mode of dieting and I look forward to seeing that scale start moving once again.

The important thing to remember here is, if you ever need a break from dieting or are finding it hard to lose weight then don't give up, try this method to help restore your metabolism.

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