
Monday, February 20, 2012

Your full Proof Way to Success!!

Someone asked me the other day how I was "taking a break from dieting, and managed to NOT gain any weight". One part of the answer was really easy...calories in equals calories out! As I explained before there is no rocket science to losing weight, it is eating less than you burn, just that simple. So as I have taken a break from dieting, I am still being mindful about what goes in my mouth, and if I eat a little too much than I kick my own ass when I work out!

The other part of the question really made me think, she said "Well that's all fine and dandy but how have you kept your emotions in check? What motivates you to do more when you have made a few choices that are out of your plan? It seems so much more easy to just give up at times like that."

My answer was quite simple..."My trainer won't let me give up!"

We have all started a weight loss plan at one time or another with a buddy, we go in all gung ho! Then one of you stumbles and starts to make excuses which leads to a domino effect for the both of you and before you know it, you are both sitting side by side on the couch watching the Notebook while eating cheesecake!

That is why it is important to have a trainer, a professional trainer will not only help to guide you in the right direction but they will keep you motivated and held accountable.When you are at your lowest point and are plagued with self doubt your trainer will step in and show you how much they believe in you. They will never give up on you and won't let you give up on you either. Before you know it, you too will realize that you are invincible and can accomplish whatever you put your mind to, it just takes the little shove from someone who is completely disconnected to the situation, a person who can look from the outside and see your barriers and identify how to remove them.

I can hear the excuses running through your heads now...
1. It's too expensive...this is not true! Many trainers will set you up with a program that you follow and then you see them once every few weeks, it will not cost you any more than what you spend at Dunkin Donuts for your coffee every day. Let's check our priorities!!

2. Trainers are all buff, I am too embarrassed. Bull shit...I was never "buff" and as a matter of fact there are a large number of trainers that became trainers because they too at one time were carrying around a few extra pounds. Do your research, you will find the perfect one for you, and remember it's all a starting point, you will never be where you are again right now.

3. I am too embarrassed to work out in a gym. They will travel to your home and make a specific workout for you using items in your home. A workout can be accomplished anywhere, anytime without any gym equipment and your trainer will help you to improvise. 

I am sure you all are wondering WHO my trainer is...above is a picture of her.... It is ME 7 years ago, the one that motivated others to reach their goals. When I am on the treadmill I look at this photo of a woman who successfully trained others and hear the words she used to use...

"You can do this, you are worth it, keep going, I know you have it inside you, dig deep!"

So when I hit a wall on the treadmill I look at her picture and hear her words and it motivates me to push forward, because if she believes in me than I should. Every time I hear her words of encouragement it brings me a little closer to becoming that very person once again, the person who believed in herself and all she could accomplish.

Don't be afraid to ask for help, if you are in the beginning stages then you are not ready to lean on yourself or a "workout buddy". There is no shame in spending time with a person who believes in you. And soon their undeniable belief  in you will transfer to you, and you will be accomplishing things you never dreamed possible!


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