
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Mind over Body or Body over Mind???

Mind over Body or Body over Mind???

I remember the first day I started to exercise on this 365 day journey, my mind had a clear vision of what I was about to accomplish but when my body was put in had a very different opinion of what could realistically be accomplished . Each and every day I would work my body as hard as I possibly could, all while my mind racing with that "vision" of where I was going to be. (some would argue that this "vision" was unrealistic, but not me! I continued to believe" Some days I wanted to throw in the towel, I felt like my body was standing in the way of my mind! But I didn't...I envisioned a body and mind that were whole. Every day I grew closer and closer to that goal until one day I felt it, I was on my morning walk, and for the first time I felt as though my legs were "new" they were exactly as they were suppose to be. Strong, long, fast and full of strength. When my mind said "go faster" ...they went faster!  I knew at that moment that all my physical obstacles had been lifted and for the first time my body had caught up to my mind.

With that said, it can be just the opposite too. Are you one of those people who's mind is standing in the way of their body? Have you ever done something physical and was thoroughly shocked that you accomplished it? This was because your mind was standing in the way of your body, your body knew all along that it could be accomplished, but your mind did not allow yourself to believe. So tell me, is your mind in the way of your body? Or is your body in the way of your mind?

It really does not matter either way, because all you have to do is believe in both your mind and body and all the doubt will fall away and you will soon find that your mind and body are moving in line with one another and let me tell you that is an amazing feeling that will bring tears to your eyes;)

(I had to remind myself of this lesson as recovery from surgery can be very frustrating!!!)

Hugs to you all!!!

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