
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Class Reunion

20 Year Class Reunion 

Last weekend I attended my 20 year class reunion. The first thing I have to say is how much I love all the people in my class...we are wild and crazy people with the biggest hearts I have ever seen! The thing I love most about my class was the fact that everyone accepted each other for who they were, there was no big displays of who "became" more or who "has" more...just genuine excitement to spend time with one another. I guess that is what I would have to label the Narraguagus class of 1992 ... just plain genuine :)

It has been 20 years, so as you can imagine the big questions pop up...holy crap what am I going to wear...oh god,  look how skinny I was 20 years ago...everyone is going to think I am a fat slob!

NOPE! Not this time! I just threw on a fresh outfit that my daughter helped me pick out and went. I threw all my insecurities out the door and went with the attitude that I was just going to be myself. All through high school I always set back and let others make decisions and stand in the light because I was afraid to show the world who I really was due to my fear of rejection. I think about it now and realize how sad my life was then, but how lucky I was to have friends that saw beyond all my insecurities, even when I didn't have the strength to.

So I went to my class reunion with my head held high determined to show my class the real "me", what little did I know was, they already knew me, I was the only one who is just meeting her for the first time ;) All of the inadequecy I used to feel has been replaced with a strong sense of wholeness... that has forever paved a new road for me to travel on...a much smoother road I must say;)

Thanks so much my loving class of 1992 and thanks to me...for learning that it's ok to be afraid, it's what you do with that fear that defines you.

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