
Friday, July 6, 2012

Life's Little Tests

Life's Little Tests

Since I started this journey 10 months ago I have to say life has thrown me a few curves. I started with overcoming the physical obstacles that make it difficult to exercise when you are over 300 pounds and with time and perseverance I blew through it and moved on. I then lost an uncle, and remember for an emotional eater, this type of life changing event is a true test of where your at.

Skipping forward hoping for a little reprieve I immediately was hit with the removal of one of my organs! Surgery...this meant no exercise...and now I could eat anything I wanted because I felt better! I did eventually move past that without throwing in the towel only to be thrown from the frying pan into the fire when my husband was out of work for two months due to the economic downturn...this means I have been working 10-12 hour days for months now!!

 Thinking that I would take a break from the drama I totally spaced that I had to graduate both of my daughters...oh yes lets face the fact that your baby is leaving home!! Ok, so you are thinking she has made it through a lot without giving in right? Then my best friends fathers dies...there is nothing you can do for the ones you love except be there. The stress of feeling their pain and being completely helpless is the worst feeling in the world. It reminds me of when your child is crying because something has happened and you would just give anything to take that pain from want to experience it instead of them.

All of these things are tests, I believe life will keep throwing you little tests until you have properly passed them. I know the reason I have been heavy all my life, and it's because I use food to cope and drown all my cares, some use alcohol or drugs but I used to use food. During these times of stress I would always find myself with a bag of oreo's and a jug of milk...yesterday after the funeral I found myself sitting on the couch craving a hike...not an oreo but a hike ;)  I could feel every inch of my body wanting to hike to the top of something, I wanted to show that mountain/hill that I was in control. This is what I do to clear my head now... anything that will get my blood pumping I have found, will melt away the stress far better than a bag of oreos. So go ahead life keep throwing me stress cause I have found a way to deal over and over again WITHOUT FOOD!

If you too stress eat...I have to give some pretty blunt can sit there and cry about it and make excuses about why you do it but that is not fixing the problem. It is as simple as just NOT doing it...give yourself the respect that you deserve...pick a new way to unload your stress. Yes that sounds simple right? It truly is..we make things way more difficult than they need to be. Trust me, after a while of replacing this habit with another "healthy" way to deal with stress you will begin to crave that "healthy stress reliever". So basically you just have to stop whining and do it!! That is exactly what I did and I know you can do it too. Remember when you email me it's private;)

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