
Sunday, March 25, 2012


Fear can be both debilitating and liberating it all depends on how we choose to react to the feeling. Throughout our lives we will be faced with times when we allow our fears to keep us stuck in one place doomed to keep repeating our destructive patterns. But what if we took a leap of faith and just trusted blindly and chose to move past the fear? Would we crumble? Would we fail?

I believe that we are worse off if we don't even try. I have faced many of my fears in life and each time when I have stared the fear directly in the face and believed in myself I can watch the big bully crumble. Every time I leave the situation with more confidence and pride, I love the feeling at the end when you can look back and see how far you came. Pushing past it brings you to places that you never imagined possible leaving you with a sense of wonder  you never thought you would feel.

You probably think I am talking about conquering your fear of heights, or fear of water, or fear of snakes...yes I am but I am also talking about other fears that lie prevalent in our ever day lives. The fear of going to the gym because you are ashamed of what you body looks like, the fear of saying "hi" to the cute neighbor because he/she is so damn gorgeous, the fear of speaking publicly because you are afraid you may stutter, the fear of eating a chocolate bar in public because you think people are saying " you think you need that lady". 

I will tell you once you cast the fear aside whether you are victorious or not you will feel an immediate sense of freedom that is infectious and leaves you wanting more.

I released one of my fears this week, it was a sort of confession if you will. I have always hidden my binge eating, never really wanted to admit that I used food to sooth my feelings of fear, anxiety, stress and anger. I actually shared a story with someone this week and after I told the whole true story about me eating 4...yes 4 boxes of girls scout cookies and hiding the boxes under the seat of my car so no one would see how out of control I was, I felt free! With every word that flowed out of my mouth it was like someone was physically taking bricks from my shoulders! At the end of the story I felt like I had released a piece of my life and moved past it now that it was out no longer festered inside of me and I no longer felt ashamed, I also didn't even care what the person was thinking!

I challenge you, next time you feel the feeling of fear closing in, remember it is only a feeling and it only has control over you if you allow it to, you are the only one who can feel it and also the only one who can release it. Acknowledge it...release it...and be free...and only then will you live a life without limitations!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Life's little Celebrations

Life's little Celebrations

In recent days my life has been filled with bad news and terrible circumstances for many of my friends and family. I can't begin to tell you the tragedies that have been unfolding before my eyes, they are the kind that you can only stand back and be there for them feeling helpless because there is nothing you can do.

All I can think about is how trivial my woes have been. I have been all depressed and wining because my knee pain has caused me to walk instead of run. Wa Wa Wa, oh poor me...

I realized today as I was walking...I have decided to walk instead of incredibly lucky I am to have legs that will allow me to do this. Many would give anything to take steps across the floor... and here I have been wining about "not getting my runners high!"

I also realized that not only am I extremely fortunate to have these legs but I need to show my appreciation by treating them (legs) with love and respect. Many people would give so much to have what I have... and take for granted every day. So I will continue to exercise and eat right to show my gratitude.

This brought me to thinking about life's little celebrations. We can spend our days looking for that great big huge thing to we wait and we wait and wait and every once in a while we get blessed with a "big one". What about the little celebrations that occur every day? The fact that we got out of bed and the sun is shining, or the sweet taste of a pink lady apple, or the fresh smell of line dried sheets? I know these things seem so small but if we fill our lives with little celebrations and moments of happiness it provides you a safe place to retreat when you need it most.

 I challenge you today to really stop and notice all the little things in your life that make you FEEL happy, because once you realize them you will repeat them over and over. And when you lay your head on the pillow tonight I promise you will have a nice great big grin on your face. That my dear is called fulfillment;)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012



I have always been kind of an all or nothing type of person...I am either going to give something 100% or I am not going to even try at all. I guess you can say I thrive on commitment and when that commitment comes to an end then I move on to something I can put all that same energy into.

You may be thinking...well that is a great quality, right? Sometimes not so much...I tend to become a little obsessed with what I am focusing on. 6 months ago I was obsessed with avoiding my problems and could not focus on anything but the bottom of the Oreo Cookie bag. Now, I have become obsessed with the feelings I feel when I am jogging on the treadmill. (pretty good trade off I think ;)

It is hard to explain these feelings, I feel invincible, like there is nothing that I can't accomplish! It is the best high in the world! You are jogging along and hit that wall, your feet and legs feel like they are carrying a ton of bricks...and just when you are ready to give up,  your mind takes over. It speaks to every fiber of your body, it feeds it with some unexplainable will to push forward and you can accomplish things that you never thought was possible.

So as you can imagine I am OBSESSED  with that feeling that jogging gives me! The only problem is I am still very heavy which is causing knee pain. I have been jogging every day and have been forced to take a day off here and there due to the increasing pain in my knees. When I take a day off I am finding that I am impossible to live with! It's like having the worst PMS day EVER!!

I really want my family to continue to speak to me so I have made a decision. I obviously am not going to give up on my journey, I just have to find a way around this problem. I have seen so many people give up because they have had limitations with their body. What we really need to do is adapt by adopting new creative ways to over come our physical obstacles. Whether that means using an elliptical instead of a treadmill or doing floor exercises instead of standing ones. It does not matter what the limitations are we can work around them.

I am addicted to the feeling that jogging gives me so I thought long and hard about what other activity gives me that feeling...teaching fitness classes. I used to teach interval/strength training classes a few years ago. It was something that I LOVED to do, the energy that fills the room is infectious! I also have a certain type of following with my classes, I attract a group of women who are not normally accustom to working out in public. I try to create a comfortable environment that is open to all fitness levels and I try to make accommodations for those who need them so it is very laid back but intense at the same time...if that makes sense!

Keep in mind I am still a 250 pound woman...a woman who is going to get up in front of a room full of people and show them how to exercise! That is the first thing that ran through my head...and just as quick as it came in... I let it go. I realize how hard it is to exercise in front of others when you are over weight, how self conscious you feel and then I remembered the more comfortable I am with my body the more comfortable my class attendees will be:)  So if you are hitting some road blocks with your fitness training, remember there is something out there for you, just don't be afraid to try new things.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Your Obstacles

Your Obstacles

When trying to get healthy it seems we all conveniently find a long list of excuses of why we can't stick with it or even start for that matter!

If someone told me in September that by February I would be where I am today I would have laughed straight in their face. In Sept, I was 300 pounds barely walking a mile, as a matter of fact I would have to talk myself through that mile to keep going because my feet and legs hurt so bad it brought me to tears! But now 6 months later I am running 2 miles a day..yes Running! I have shed almost 50 pounds to boot!

The real secret is I never looked to far ahead, I always take things as they come up and focus on one day at a time and one task at a time. If not then it all becomes overwhelming and feels impossible because you don't even know where to start!  Which brings me to you...what are your obstacles or should I say excuses. We all have them and we will never move forward until we first reveal the obstacles and then put forth a plan of action to remove them or work with and around them.

I challenge you today, on this snowy Saturday sit down and listen to yourself, pinpoint the things you use as excuses and find a way around them to move forward. If I can accomplish so much in a short time so can you, what are you waiting for? Your life is calling you...answer it!!!