
Thursday, January 19, 2012

What a Feeling!!

What a Feeling!!

Have you ever heard that song What a Feeling from Flashdance? I love that song! I was listening to it today as I broke yet another personal record on my treadmill. Hearing it not only brings me back to some very wonderful 80's memories but also sends me a message that anything is possible when you believe. Here are just a few lyrics:
First when there's nothing
but a slow glowing dream
that your fear seems to hide
deep inside your mind

All alone I have cried silent tears full of pride
In a world made of steel
and of stone

What a feeling
Bein's believien
I can have it all, now I'm dancing for my life!!

Take your passion make it happen!

That is exactly how I feel! I can have it all, I may not be dancing for my life, but for the first time I feel like I am loving my life. (I will admit I did have a "flashdance moment" in my basement when I went past my record!! I was dancing like a fool to old Irene Cara!!)

Today was weigh in day, I am usually so focused on the scales and what the outcome will be that I won't even have a sip of water before jumping on them. Now that I have changed my focus to self love and self respect I have to say that I am feeling much more joy in my life. I have taken the stress out of losing weight, my new every other week weigh in helps me to stay focused, but it forces me make decisions based on caring about myself instead of the fear of the number on the scale.

You can feel a certain amount of joy when you step on the scale and see a 2 or 3 pound loss but there is no better feeling like breaking a personal fitness goal. Just a little over 3 months ago walking one mile was very painful, now I am jogging two. I was walking a 21 minute mile, now I am now jogging a 14 min mile! When sitting on the floor I had to waddle on my knees across the floor to the couch to pull myself up, not any more I just stand. It was impossible to squat and stand back up, now I can go straight to the floor and up. When I took a shower I would try to shave my legs and my ass was so large it would pop the shower door open, not stays shut and I don't even touch it!!

What a feeling I say, there is no bigger reward than the way it makes you feel to succeed in every day life. So today when I usually would be on the scale focusing on how "good" or "bad" I had been, instead I was down stairs on the treadmill beating my record, proving to myself I had what it took to succeed! Who needs the damn scales? Not me!!

For those of you out there who are doubting yourself, let me tell you I have been there. It may seem hard but you are the only one who can change it, and it can be done! xoxoxo to you all!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Why I did not Weigh In

Why I did not Weigh In 

When I started this 365 day journey I had one goal in sight, to learn to love myself enough to make the best choices for my body. A well known author Geneene Roth, believes that you should NEVER diet, it only makes you feel worse about yourself. She also teaches that if we love ourselves enough then we will make choices that are conducive to a healthy lifestyle leading us to our natural body weight. To sum it all up, it is finding that space inside that holds your unconditional love for yourself.

That is my goal, to find that place where I don't need the rigid perimeters of a structured diet or the ever looming date with the scales on every Thursday to keep me in line. I want to love and respect myself enough so that my healthy choices are not something I have to talk myself into but they become a natural way of life. Which brings me to why I did not get on the scales this Thursday, no it was not because I gained! It was because I am feeling strong enough to start weening myself off these crutches. I feel as though I am stepping into a new space where I am treating myself better because for the first time I believe that I deserve better.

Now, I am not saying that it is going to be easy because let me tell you, it is pretty easy to say no to a piece of chocolate cake when you know that you are stepping on the scales the very next day and broadcasting the picture on the world wide web! Let me tell you nothing says "don't eat the friggin cake!!" then knowing people are watching you. But the fact of the matter is, this journey is really about the relationship I have with myself and not all my readers.(don't get me wrong I LOVE you all!!) But If I don't repair my self worth and find self love then when my 365 day journey is over with you all, I will just fall back once again because I have been using you as my accountability meters. It is time to stand on my own two feet and show myself that I am worth making these decisions without having to be forced to do it.

So you are probably wondering what my plan is...I am planning on weighing in every other week for a while until I am strong enough to weigh in once a month, until one day I will throw out my scales forever! By the end of these 365 days it is my plan to live my life without walls, no diets, no scales just self love and that is what will bring me to my body's true healthy weight.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Mind and Body Connection

The Mind and Body Connection

In my work as a Massage Therapist one of the most important things I do is teach my clients about the undeniable connection between the mind and body. Our bodies model exactly what our mind sees and feels. For example if your mind is saying "oh I am so sore and I hurt all over" then guess what, your body exhibits that behavior. Another example...Have you ever met a hypochondriac? You know that they "have" every ailment that you have, right? Whether it is a hangnail or a heart attack, they have it and it is wayyy worse that yours! The real problem lies is the fact that they keep manifesting these diseases in their mind, eventually the body catches up and believes what the mind is putting out there and becomes sick!

Remember when I wrote in my blog a few months ago about how I talk to myself when I walk? I tell myself how amazing I am, and how my feet and legs are so strong and yes I can keep going..even when I just want to give in.  These conversations transfer directly from my mind to my body and I have recently found myself in a whole different realm during my exercise routines. Not only have I beat all my personal records, but as I am working out I find myself in a space where I know and believe that I can accomplish anything. During that moment something inside opens up, it is as if I have tapped into a form of greatness that I have seen in the eyes of others but always longed for in myself. That exact time and space, I want to capture in my every day life experiences, not only on the treadmill. I will find it I am sure, but for now I will keep running with my feet while keeping my mind wide open to the possibility that greatness is out there for me to grab;)